Kia Sorento: Heated Steering wheel Description - Steering wheel - Steering System - Kia Sorento XM 2011-2024 Service ManualKia Sorento: Heated Steering wheel Description

Second Generation XM (2011-2024) / Kia Sorento XM 2011-2024 Service Manual / Steering System / Steering wheel / Heated Steering wheel Description

Heated pads to grip the steering grip makes the fever.
Heated control unit

Heated pad

13.5 V
Heated pad resistance
1.4 ~ 1.8 Ω  ± 10%
NTC resistance
10.0 kΩ  ± 10% (25°C)

1. Remove the steering wheel cover (B) after loosening the screw (A-6ea). 2. Disconnect the streeing wheel remote control s ...

Heated Steering wheel System Circuit Diagram
Terminal Function Housing Pin Function Wire color Pad A GND Back B HEATER Yellow C ...

See also:

Accelerator Pedal Removal
1. Turn the ignition switch OFF and disconnect the negative (-) battery cable. 2. Disconnect the accelerator position sensor connector (A). ...

Rear Body
* These dimensions indicated in this figure are actual-measurement dimensions. [ Unit : mm (inch) ] Side outer p ...

Rheostat Inspection
1. Disconnect the negative (-) battery terminal. 2. Remove the crash pad side cover. 3. Remove the lower crash ...

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