Kia Sorento: Component Location - Clutch & Brake - Automatic Transaxle System - Kia Sorento XM 2011-2024 Service ManualKia Sorento: Component Location

Second Generation XM (2011-2024) / Kia Sorento XM 2011-2024 Service Manual / Automatic Transaxle System / Clutch & Brake / Component Location

1. Overdrive Clutch (OD/C)
2. One way Clutch (OWC)
3. Low & Reverse Brake (LR/B)
4. Underdrive Brake (UD/B)
5. 26 Brake(26/B)
6. 35R Clutch (35R/C)
7. Damper Clutch (D/C)

The 6-speed automatic transaxle consists of an overdrive clutch (OD/C), a one-way clutch (OWC), a lower and reverse brake (LR/B), an underdrive brake (UD/B), a 26 brake (26/B), and a 35R clut ...

Power Flow Chart
P,N UD/B LR/B 26/B 35R/C OD/C OWC ● ▣ Direction of Rotation ...

See also:

Seat Belt Buckle Switch (BS) Removal
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable, and wait for at least three minutes before beginning work. 2. Remove the front seat assembly. (Re ...

CVVT & Camshaft Inspection
Continuously variable valve timing (CVVT) Assembly 1. Inspect the CVVT for smooth rotation. (1) Clamp the camshaft using a vise. Be carefu ...

Item Specification Coil Resistance (Ω) 1.18 ~ 1.31 [20°C(68°F)] ...

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